Monday, July 9, 2012

7/9/12... Lots to Do! pr

When you are a medical "specimen", everyone wants another test!  Also! everyone wants to put their two cents in.  They are all skilled and from my side.  I listen, learn and mull through it.  I look up what they say.  I review my Breast MRI'S.  Also I listen to people that have had this done.  It has been very helpful for me to get on UTUBE.  You will have to close your eyes sometimes as the video's are very graphic.  On the other hand people that have had mastectomy's will tell you real facts of tips of how they got this far.  Not all of it is "hear-say".  My readings have given me knowledge.  So far this has all helped.  I hope in the process I have helped other people in some way.  If it is not Breast Cancer, perhaps it will be something else that will hit you, when you least expect it.  I hope you will be one of the few that gets through your life, without a scratch.  Time for a Hug! phyllis  05/06/1933   send comments to  or hit the red comment button below. 

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