Sunday, July 8, 2012

7/8/12.....What's Your Foundation Done? pr

What does a title like that mean?  What's Your Foundation Done?  For me it means I hope all those veggies and exercises continue to  help me. I know my glutes and walking are healing me!  I know they are!  My breast is invaded with cancer.  Had I not done all of the above for so much of my life I might have been knocked down by the big wave of cancer that wanted to knock me over. I can hear you saying, I do not have cancer, why would I want to read those books?  Because you are valuable! And! never start a sentence with Because!  I will give you the names of  two books, with the encouragement to please get them at the library and read them.  We protect our cars with spare tires, we get insurance for floods in our homes..but what do you know and do about building a foundation for your health and your muscles to protect you from the health storms that might come your way?  The book THE BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR'S FITNESS PLAN by Carolyn M. Kaelin, MD. MPH she is the Director, Comprehensive Breast Health Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital. It is an eye opener book, easy to read and lots to learn about those BOOBS hanging out in your bra.  The BOOBS that will never let you down! Keep your body strong.  If so, you will be more able to withstand the harshness of the storms of ill health, that come to all of us.  Right now, it's my time.  Tomorrow.....???? where will those storms go?  Women must help each other.  This book  gives you pages of exercises you can do without having BREAST CANCER.  PROTECT YOURSELF before! If you do NOTHING ELSE...learn about your PECTORALIS major muscles...keep them all times!  The other book is FORKS OVER KNIVES, edited by Gene Stone. You can also get this from Netflex.  It is a documentary.  I have mentioned these books before in my writings.  Perhaps I am turning into our MOM'S, who used to say to us everyday of our childhood, "Did you finish your milk"?  I always thought, "Yuk, I hate milk".  Now we must try and take better care of ourselves, you are all so valuable and dear! Now back to my reading!  Hugs, phyllis 05/06/1933..thanks for the comments I have been getting.  They are so helpful!

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