Friday, September 21, 2012

9/21/12 Good Omen? pf

Most everyone has omens of one sort or another.  The day started with Annie, our dog throwing up at 4:30 a.m.  I got up tended to her, calmed her down.  I started the wash machine, took a shower and started the morning with an early a.m. walk.  Left the house at 7 a.m. for my early radiation treatment.  While checking in at the Hospital desk, where I flash my ID card I noticed I also had another appointment in the oncology section across town, so I called Bill and said I would pick him up so he would not feel stuck at home.  All seemed good at that point?  Did I say good?  Soon I was called in for my radiation treatment, got up on the table.  I did my arms up routine and laid there still.  The techs moved me around for the correct reading.  The machine started.  I settled in.  The techs came rushing in.  “The arms of the machine, that take the pictures of me stopped.”  Panic!  “Just do not move”, “We will get things back on track.”  I was so pleased when they cranked the radiation machine back in tune!  Real life gets in the way! Hugs,phyllis 05/06/1933

1 comment:

  1. pf which are my family initials! should read pr..Omen! Ha! Ha!..NO Human! phyllis
