Hey! What's going on here? Your friends are not suppose to get cancer. Kevin was at a talk on skin
cancer. He thought, "That sounds like what is on my shoulder!" Sure enough he went to the skin
Doctor and he took that off right away. In the process, they discovered cancer on his face. He had that taken off yesterday. We go to the same skin doctor group. Dr. Jeff Parr and Associates. Bill always has cancer burned or cut off of him at each skin visit. He was a sailboat man for fifty years and a red head..He sailed in the days they did not even have sunscreen. Oh! to think about that. I have had some cancer taken off my face and even in my eyebrow. If you have a face the sun can find you! Think of the days when we would lay out and get "sun tanned" we called it. A little stupidity went a long way for me and my girlfriends in my teen-age years. Thank-heavens most of us put on sun screen. now. The skin cancer you find today has been brewing on you ..us..and me for twenty years previous. UGH!Hugs, phyllis 05/06/1933 www.women70andover.com
Thank you so much for letting Kevin know what to expect! He made out well and now maybe he will listen when I say "sunscreen"!!! I leave on Thursday for NY but I will check in on you often!! Your blog brightens my day. You will be a wonderful addition to the hospital volunteers! I love the art idea and can't wait to see how it works the next time I see you. Take care all my love to you and Bill