Friday, June 22, 2012


Results of my appointment with my SURGEON, DR. JOSEPH BIANCHI, June 21, 2012,/
Now to matters at hand..the Doctor appointment. The surgeon spent a good hour or more with Bill and me..I will have a Breast MRI today at 1:30. June 22, 2012 .   Will know the results Monday June 25, 2012...This will determine if I will have a lumpectomy...just take the MASS OUT  and leave the breast in tact. this point he does not know if he takes it out, will he be able to get all surrounding cancer out? And if not will the Radiation nuke all the remaining cancer left?..and then I will be done with it? This will save me  alot of healing time..and not take as much out of me..of adjustments as the DOUBLE MASTECTOMY If this does not work I can always have the DOUBLE MASTECTOMY latter. On my side, in reality I will have maybe a few years of QUALITY LIFE left. This is very precious. Do I want to turn the life I have left into a MEDICAL HORROR..of painful daily occurrences of breast reconstruction...? NO!   Plus through all of this I am learning LOBULAR BREAST one of the hardest breast cancers to find. It can easily be missed on MAMMOGRAMS, as it was with me. I was the one to find it. It is possible it had been growing silently for eight to ten years before the actual findings. This is an ALFRED HITCHCOCK TWIST! One must be your own medical dectective. More readings. More diggings. More talks with my Doctors, My Team.. More decisions with Bill and Me. We are for the EASY PASS..QUALITY OF LIFE and THE FIGHT FOR LIFE THAT POSSIBLY WILL BE LEFT. Hugs, phyllis  05/06/1933
Your comments at this point are more valuable than ever!  Come on do a one liner!  I will put it in the blog, if I have your permission.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure what ever decision you 2 make will be the right one. I know you have done all your homework, and it sounds like you have a great team working "with you". I pray for the best outcome, and peace in your decision and healing. Hugs back at you both, Scott
