Friday, December 7, 2012

12/7/12 December 7, 1941 pr

One never forgets Pearl Harbor..I was in a movie.  I was 8 years old..When I got out of the movie, everyone was shouting war! war!  When I got home from the movie war was the talk of everyone.  The war seemed to go on forever, with horrible news reels when you went to the movies and on the radio.  President FDR would give fireside talks, we would all huddle near the radio.  Looking back I was so young, but I could understand some of the horrors of it all.  My brothers were twenty years older than me.  They got drafted in the military.  It was so sad when they left for the war, for years.  Letters would come.  We would all cry and read them and reread them.  They were called VMAILS and were small and photocopied.  They were censored.  Words would be struck out.  We would have victory gardens and grew vegetables.  We collected newspapers and tin foil from cigarette wrappers for the war cause.  Everyone cared and did something for the war effort.  All Americans stuck together.  There were signs telling us not to repeat anything as the enemy was listening.  We have come along way baby!  Now is the time to watch your health.  Check your breasts and your heart.  McDonalds! Wendy's coffee! Hugs, phyllis 05/06/1933 leave on a cruise Dec. 8 till Dec. 14...will write on Dec. 15, if I have it pulled together...

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