The older we get the more repositioning we feel ourselves doing. What do I mean by that? What ever your illnesses are, we are all trying to find a comfort zone. They make car bumper sticker's about this-------happens! It does! Reminders that leg cramps get more prevalent. You can feel like the tin man after taking a small car outing. We become out of line with our bodies.
If I would not go to a physical therapist I might be crawling on the floor, instead of walking. She is able to identify why I have a pain in my leg or lower back and what to do about it. This really works! Roll towels placed under the back. Leg yoga blocks that you can put on one leg and do exercises that help your leg strength within minutes. You would take your car in for a check-up when it gets sluggish. You are more valuable than your car. Work with it baby, as the song says! Try it! Feel good! Hugs,phyllis 05/06/1933
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