Sunday, May 27, 2012

5/27/12 ..MUSIC FOR HEALING..I will be there...

Hello there..what a different mixture of times I have had.  From the ups to the lows.  What do I mean by that!  The Sulfur meds Bill was taking ..were horrible for his stomach.  He felt full and nauseated.  That meant he could only eat a mouthful of this or that.  The doctor took him off of the Sulfur today.  Until that happened, it was plain HELL. That meant if he hurt..I hurt.  That brings me to the topic of MUSIC FOR HEALING, which I will go to this Wednesday. 

Last evening at 5 p.m. Ann Marwick and her husband Gordon Russell asked if I would join them as they were rehearsing for some of their gigs.  Ann sings music of the 30's on up and Gordon plays the guitar.  It was lovely to hear.  So very relaxing for me.  So healing.  It was good for every part of me.  They continue to be so kind to both of us.  They just live footsteps  through our joined gardens.  We are so lucky.  Then we went to dinner together.  One I will never forget.  The kind of dinner, you just drink in the good conversation, with good friends, that are like family and simply enjoy.  It was wonderful.  They gave me the flyer I have posted..I look forward to going to this healing event.  I know many of you are far, far away and cannot go..I will enjoy it for you!

I took Bill some Marconi and cheese from WENDY'S.  That along with the stopping of his Sulfur meds seemed to turn the corner for him..What a relief for both of us.  When he feels badly ..I feel badly.  After he perked up a bit..I asked him if he would like to go home for a few hours and he said yes.  So off we went and he took a very needed nap in his own bed.  He looks very perky now and is up on his computer.  Annie, our dog is snoring and all is at peace with the world again. Hugs, phyllis  The top cartoon is one of mine from my TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE SERIES.

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