Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Meet with Dr. Charles Hechtman, MD,PhD Radiation Oncology today.  What a distinguished person! Full of
kindness and knowledge of all sorts.  He is waiting for more tests to come back before starting my meds. My
scan this afternoon will be a help for him..that's @ 3:25 p.m. He even helped me..work an Algerbra  problem.
I will look over it and indent it in my mind.  I am studying the TABE MATH WORKBOOK so I can take
the math test at Daytona State College..Just a demon of mine..I want to work through.

Deb..thanks for your comments..Yes I do drink wine..perhaps four glasses of wine a month..I have just learned
how to drink it after all these years!  I like the $2.97 White Zinfendel I get at Walmart..that's how much wine
class I have!..perhaps you can help your MOM get her photo on this site? No food till after my scan, which starts at 3:25 p.m. After that would love to drawn myself in Root Beer Floats, my favorite of all times..
Thanks to all of you for hanging with me..Hugs ..Phyllis 3/13/12   www.women70andover.com

1 comment:

  1. Now here is this for you to work out in your new improved math brain. Debbie is not Debbie, she is Muriel. Muriel does not know how she became Debbie. Google did it. Why? I don't know why. But anytime you see Debbie, it is Muriel.

    Love Muriel
