Thursday, October 4, 2012

10/4/12 What is Cancer All About? pr

Cancer is all about cells silently breaking up and working on your body in some form to destroy it
I want to encourage all of you to take all the tests available to you so you may protect yourself!  I write this blog everyday with the hope, just one woman or one man, no matter what the ages are: young or old to notice everything about your bodies.  That is one of the reasons I tell you grim things of reality like my blood drains that hung from my underarms for two weeks.  The reality of having my breast taken off with its horrors of a 14 cm mass inside that was called LOBULAR CANCER.  This is a dense type, difficult to see on a mammogram.  It hides like a thief.  It can mimic the breast.  Thank heavens it can be found, in most cases after it is so large that getting it out is difficult.  I am lucky.  I want you to be lucky, go for your mammogram.  Do not be complacent.  Ask questions.  Ask to see the results of the tests.  You pay for them!  Ask! The older you get your chances of getting Cancer somewhere in your body increases.  We are not like fine wines with age, instead we are like ticking time bombs that are silent. I am too old to gloss over the truth and sugar coat my experiences that are real. Hugs,phyllis 05/06/1933

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