Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6/26/12 ..ON TOP OF THE WORLD!! Meee! pr!

phyllisreh@aol.com  What a day this has been!  This is the kind of day song writer's write songs about, instead I write this blog.  I am so happy!  People have been kind, with calls and emails.  The kindnesses.  I will post and share with you, as I have permission from them, except Morissa!  Her permission is included in our friendship pact! I have hopes we can get some back and forth comments.  It seems the comment button on my blog is a dud, like everything else in life you do not know how to do.  Instead you may email me..and I will share with your permission.

Thanks to the DAYTONA NEWS JOURNAL and to LACEY ..the wonderful reporter for the article on me...today 6/26/2012.
Phyllis Rehmar <phyllisreh@aol.com>
Tue, Jun 26, 2012 8:11 am

Congratulations are in order-- for getting your Associate's Degree and for shrinking the mass! Hooray for you! And the pictures are lovely.

I am sure you will serve as an inspiration for many of us "over 70's"-- I know you inspire me with your energy and focus.

I am saving the article in case you want another one to share with friends and relatives.

Be well.



phyllisreh <phyllisreh@aol.com>
Tue, Jun 26, 2012 6:50 pm

They caught you, the you in you, in an amazing way! It floored me.

Love Muriel

Hi Phyllis. Read your article in the paper and I was able to relate to your situation. In 2010 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 75. At that time I had a granddtr. preparing for a kidney transplant and her mother (my dtr) being tested to see if she could be a donor. At the same time my husband (83) was in a relapse with Wegner's disease. (An auto immune disease.) I elected to not tell my family until a few days before since I did not want to cause any unnec. anxiety. I waited until 5 days before mastectomy to tell them. All the testing showed that we were catching it at an early stage and my recovery should go well and 2 1/2 weeks later I would be in Charleston, SC to support my family. This is a long story but my doctor was at Twin Lakes (Ramshaw) and the proc. was done as an out patient. Everything re the mastectomy went well with no complications and I was in SC for kidney transplant that went well also. Good luck to you and I understand that each day is a blessing. (alicershull

Sent: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 3:50 pm
Subject: Your website

I am delighted to see a website for women 70 and over. We have such unique problems and need to have a place to vent, etc. I did go on your blog, after reading about it in the News-Journal today but I was unable to post for some reason. However, I did sign up and hope I'll be able to leave messages in the future. I am 72, a transplant from New York and have lived in Ormond Beach for the past seven years. Life becomes more daunting as you get older especially when, like me, you live alone and your family is very far away.

Good luck in your upcoming surgery. I look forward to spending more time on your site.

Jane McGarity

We will never be alone! Life becomes more daunting as you get older.  Yes indeedeee! We have each other and I surely am ready to help for sure!  We must hear from each other!..Hugs, phyllis  www.women70andover.com      hit the blog button.


  1. Trying to figure out the red comment button..here is my take..I think you must sign in to blogspot..using a gmail address, which I also have..that is the key..because it says now Comment as phyllisreh(Google)..try it that way and see what happens..now I will push the publish button..hugs, phyllis

  2. Hey Phyllis, So I can now post on your site. Great. I see you have a number of other members. It would be interesting if each of us told something of our lives and got to know one another. I think that's what you wanted so, as long as I'm on here, let me make an appeal to the older members to go first, so I know what types of posts you would like.
