Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4/11/12 This is the BEST DAY EVER! HERE IS WHY!

Just got home from my endo-scopy at 1:30 p.m. today.  It went so well at the Borland-Groover Clinic in Ormond Beach, Fl. The best Gastroenterology Dr. Peter Grubel was in charge. After checking in, had
my vitals taken, a list of my meds handed over to the nurse, who checked and re-checked me. After that was completed with the utmost skill I went to my cubicle, got into a gown. My IV was started, along with my EKG. Then timed like a symphony, I met my Anesthesiologist, and I went off to the surgical room. There I meet the rest of the team and in came Dr. Grubel, he said every kind word in the book and the procedure was over!  I was soon waking up to a hot cup of tea, my favorite!    I felt like I had as much energy as I did when I came home from my four mile walk earlier this a.m. I got dressed..Make a potty stop..and Bill had the car at the door for me.  How good is that!  Surely the best day ever!  It left me wondering why more people do not have preventative tests..before they hurt so badly, they can hardly get to the doctor?
You tell me..leave a comment!  Thanks to my team of skilled people. Hugs, phyllis


  1. Hi Phyllis,
    I am delighted things are going so well for you physically & emotionally. Good for you!!!
    Steve Z.

  2. Phyllis,
    The inspiration you give on a daily basis is wonderful. I'm so glad you have good doctors and healthcare as many Americans do not and it is a constant struggle just to have that kind of "real life" get in the way.

    I need to start walking like you do and really have no excuses. Thank you for the updates, they are a slice of heaven in a pie of earthly living. Hope today you find your own inspiration in nature or in a word that is spoken.
